Sunday 21 June 2015

Battling leukaemia & treatment

This post might not appeal to everyone, but if I can help even just one person that is struggling with the diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), then it is well worth it.

When I was first diagnosed with ALL, I didn’t know what it was, and I didn’t want to know what it was. Professionals were telling me what was happening to my body, but it was as if my mind did not want to process what I was hearing. I just knew it was cancer, that’s all I needed to know at the time. That I was 17 years old and had just been diagnosed with a form of blood cancer that I only knew the name of from a film, ‘Now is Good’. And if im completely honest, if someone said to me what is leukaemia? I could probably only give you a brief answer.

The light at the end of the tunnel

Cancer becomes a world full of darkness that you feel like you can’t escape. You can’t escape cancer, but you can escape the darkness. It might not look like it or feel like it in the beginning, but there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

Its been 6 long months since I was diagnosed back in December, and honestly, if you told me I can get through this then, I would have given you one of those evil stares and looked away. I didn't feel like I could get through this, I was suppose to be just starting my life, and instead, I had to start fighting for it.

Monday 1 June 2015

1st June

Battling appearance

I love fashion and makeup and all things girly like doing different hair styles, fake tanning and attempting to get that kim kardashian contoured makeup (which is destined to fail every time). But don't get me wrong, leave me alone in a field full of mud and horses and I will be out there all day getting down and dirty, makeup free and my hair full of straw and maybe some horse poop if I'm really lucky. 

So, when I was diagnosed with leukaemia, appearance was a massive factor that affected me and I knew it was going to change. I remember one of the first things I said when a nurse asked me what I was worried about, I had literally just been wheeled into the cancer ward from the ambulance and just given my bed on the ward, my thought's didn't jump to where I was, what was happening to me and how long I would be here.. I was just worried about loosing my long locks. Which I now look back on and think how incredibly vein of me that was.